Notice a drop in your Website Traffic this summer? Don’t Panic!
Each year during the summertime, we at MLT Innovations Inc. receive panicked phone calls from customers concerned about the sudden, noticeable declines in their website traffic. We check these websites, only to find that their listings haven’t been affected. There is a natural ebb and flow to web traffic. For example, a good deal of surfing the Internet takes place at work; the peak times for Internet usage being during the typical work week (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.). You may notice your weekly traffic usually drops off during nights and weekends.
If your website traffic this summer isn’t quite up to snuff with normal traffic levels, there’s no need to fret. These kinds are lulls in traffic are completely normal during the summer when people are away from their computers which takes a (temporary) toll on website traffic. Most website owners are bound to see less website traffic and fewer keyword searches between May and September, as well as the last half of December.
While vacationing is the culprit in most summertime declines, it’s still a smart idea to contact MLT Innovations Inc. so we can fully investigate the problem to make sure your lowered traffic isn’t due to a more serious issue than simply your customers enjoying the lazy days of summer.
Of course, you should always combat the summertime decline by bolstering your Internet marketing efforts. Review your current SEO strategy and see how you can increase keyword exposure. Strengthen your web presence with a social media campaign that involves promoting offers and events on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Facebook ads are a quick way to get some increase in your traffic as consumers are using their mobile devices while out enjoying the summer activities. With more marketing, you’ll see an increase in traffic, as well as a higher conversion rate from the reduced amount of searches.