How to Incorporate Social Media Marketing In Your Business
When it comes to developing a strong customer base, social media marketing can be one of the most powerful tools at a company’s disposal. Not only do social networks enable a business to reach new customers and run promotional efforts, but they provide set of tools for market analysis and consumer feedback as well. With the right strategy, it can link business to customers on a scale that wasn’t possible before.
Getting that effect requires a different kind of strategy, one that takes advantage of the way online conversations happen to make social media work for a business. And online conversations have changed a lot over the last few years.
For instance, the explosive growth of smartphones has caused a new range of challenges for companies who designed their websites even just a few years ago. Not only do the smaller screens and touch-based interface of a smartphone mean make a beautifully designed website on a PC browser difficult for mobile viewers to navigate, but iPhones and iPads, which control about half the mobile browser landscape, may not display Flash-based websites correctly.
A website built as recently as three or four years ago could need an overhaul to ensure that it displays correctly. But even a well-designed website is only the first step of a social media strategy, which should be focused on promoting a business and engaging its customers.
A social media marketing effort has two main elements: Publicity and interactivity. Maintaining a social media presence such as a Facebook page or Twitter stream allows a business to keep both customers and those casually interested in their products informed about new products, special offers or other developments. At the same time, it provides a mechanism to gauge customer interest through the number of subscribers or followers, and provides those followers with an easy system to provide instant feedback about the product or business.
The appeal of online social networks is that they mimic the kind of social interactions that people have in person, allowing friends and family members to catch up with each other and trade stories despite working different schedules or living in in different places. A business can do the same thing, by creating a digital retail space that can mimic the effect of a knowledgeable, friendly staff in a physical store.
All this is possible because social networking is designed to build on the real-life connections people make in their lives. People are already used to sharing news, reviews and advice through social media sites, and that includes keeping up with a growing number of products they enjoy. Social media marketing builds on that framework by putting a virtual face on a brand, while allowing a business to build a relationship with its customers.
It’s also important to pay attention to the sort of content that online consumers want to see. The modern consumer is exposed to a tremendous amount of marketing material, and has adopted high standards for the content they will respond to. The ideal marketing piece is informative, containing useful information and more than a simple sales pitch, while establishing the business’ credibility and authority in its field.
Social media marketing is one of the fastest-growing sources of new leads because it’s a natural fit for businesses and consumers alike. Word of mouth has always been one of the best advertising tools a company can use, and social media provide a powerful way to spread the word. Meanwhile, a good social media strategy can help consumers find and evaluate products more effectively than ever before.